Letter to the Grade 4s of 2020

Dear future Grade 4s,

Welcome to the Elkanah Senior Primary! I have only been here one year and I have enjoyed it a lot. It was a great year for me. We didn't just do normal work, we did many other fun activities. Our Science Expo was very fun and we made some awesome contraptions and experiments. We also had a master chef day where we made a starters, main and desert for judges. We've had many sports days and swimming galas where we participate or support our house. There is also a range of sports to do. We also work with many forms of technology, constructing Movies, using SpheroBolts, creating virtual tours and more. There were so many more fun things we did, but it would probably take up this whole page mentioning them.

There is a great place to play four square near the hall and the Grade 4 bathrooms and there is a big selection of books that you can take out from our library and I suggest definitely taking out some.

I hope you enjoy the Elkanah Senior Primary as much as I did!

From Josh


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