Poetry ILT

Poetry is a great way to express your feelings. Poetry should have some sort of flow and it can sometimes rhyme. People write poetry to express certain things they feel strongly about.

Over the past five days, we have completed different tasks for this years ILT: poetry. We were split into groups of four and did the following tasks: terminology, poetry writing, blackout poetry, analysing poetry and imagery. In terminology we had to define certain language words such as stanza or metaphor.

In our second task, poetry writing, we chose our theme, surfing. Each of us in our group, then, had to choose a type of poem (E.G. haiku, concrete poem or colour poem) and write that type of poem based on our theme.

For blackout poetry, an individual task, we had to draw a pattern with a permanent marker, leaving out words that form a poem.

The poetry slam was our biggest task. We had to choose a theme, and do a play but the lyrics in poetic form. Our theme was insecurities, and so we acted it out. It took a lot of practice before hand, as I'm not much of an actor!


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